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Project one created various challenges for me. The first one being mkaing the decision to use Mad-mapper instead of VDMX. Once I chose to use Mad-mapper I continued to struggle to learn how to use the technology and how to create something well done in Mad-mapper. The next challenge I was presented with was that a bus hit the power line outside of my house making all the wifi go out. Then two days later Mad-mapper made the hard drive in my Mac go out making me loose all work and data that I had on my Mac. I then borrowed another computer and was able to continue to work on this project. Surprisingly to me I actually began to enjoy and understand Mad-mapper and almost wish that I had more time to work on getting better using it. I can see how this technology can be used in concerts and various in life scenarios. I wish I could have spent even more time on this project. I am not 100% happy with how my project came out but I do like the final result. I think it fits the theme well but isn't too apparent. The idea of bringing nature inside without actually showing exactly what the theme is. When trying to decide how to demonstrate this theme I thought there was nothing better than showing it through having videos of nature in throughout the bedroom on objects that would not typically have nature in them. I wanted to show how possibly having nature in quarantine and within a bedroom is possible. Overall, the theme is somewhat clear and I am somewhat happy with the project, I hope to have a better result in the next project and hopefully no technology issues.

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