For project one, I struggled quite a bit understanding the software as well as trying to decide which to use. I decided to go with Madmapper, and use it to portray the idea of what it is like to be stuck inside. Within the last month I have been put into isolation and had to understand what it is like to be alone inside and unable to go outside. I wanted to use the idea that often time when you are stuck inside and watch a documentary or video of someone outside then it almost feels as though you are also outside despite the fact that you are inside looking at a screen. I wanted to also show the pros and cons of both of these ideas in that it may motivate people to stay inside and not go outdoors because they feel like they are outside while being inside. I wanted to show how it may help someone who is in a similar situation as I feel as though they can connect with the outdoors despite being inside.
Work in Progress #1
Updated: Sep 20, 2020